Friday, October 7, 2011

New Semester

Can't tell if anyone actually reads the blog, but for those who do here's another belated update.

Not a lot to say, so I'll start with school. Each "semester" is called a block and is 9 weeks in length. I finished my first block of classes on September 11, and my cumulative GPA is 3.84. See, prayers work wonders! My final grade on my Cultural Diversity was 95.43% = A and Skills for Learning in an Info Age was 93.6% = A-.

Now I am taking Critical Thinking and Survey of Accounting: The Maze of Numbers. They have both been a good mix of interesting and challenging.

In other news, Hezekiah is growing like a weed, smart as a whip, stubborn as a that's not really news. He is talking all the time and while he tends to mumble and jumble his words together, we can understand most of what he says now.

Ken is doing good, anxious to be home again. Especially after having an actual conversation with Hezekiah the other day. Hezekiah had the cordless phone and was chatting with his Papa, I had the desk phone and was translating. It was fun.

That's about all the news we have for now. My current block of classes are done the middle of November. I will be sure to update everyone with the grades then as well.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is being read....and Great Job on your classes. You're a wonderful inspiration! Love you my sister :)
