Looking at my previous posts I realize I have totally neglected our family blog. As you can probably see from my profile picture Hezekiah has grown quite a lot from the last picture I posted. Here is the most recent pic, for those who don't see it on facebook.
Me and Kiah took a Skype picture for Papa...I actualy had makeup on. And lipstick from a tube!
While we went camping Kiah had to "pose" for the camera.He's quietly saying "cheeeeeeeese"
Has to check out his new baby cousin, Maysa Elaine Derry.
Hezekiah has gradually been getting his shots updated (we are horribly behind) and his last appointment showed he is 30lbs and 3ft tall exactly. He LOVES talking on the phone, and he is always asking me to "call auntie?" so he can talk to my sisters. He hasn't used Leah's name yet, but he said "Auntie Lauri" during our last Skype, which just thrilled Lauri to pieces...even if it did sound more like "Worly" than "Lauri". Hopefully we can get a regular Skyping with Ken's side of the family scheduled as well.
Now that I have almost finished my first cup of coffee (many more to come, I'm sure) my brain is starting to fully charge for the day ahead. I started my first set, or "block", of classes through University of Phoenix - Axia College on July 11, so I am staying pretty busy between that and Hezekiah. I have a "Skills for Learning in an Info Age" class that is fairly easy, and my accumulative grade is 99.53% for that class. My other class is more of a challenge, but still interesting for me. My accumulative grade for my "Cultural Diverstiy" class is 97.37%. As you can see by my accumulative grades, I appear to be doing well in school, thanks to all of your prayers and support. Finals are in 20 days, so that is another thing keeping me busy.
Ken has been doing well. He got a lot of care packages from our church in Virginia, so he said he is good for candy for a while =) He did find online gift cards for MP3 downloads on amazon.com if you need some ideas for a care package for him. He is supposed to be back on December 11, so we still have a little under 4 months to go. Here are a couple pictures Ken took during his last port visit.
It is off for me now, my second cup of coffee is ready and Kiah is watching NickJR, so I am going to attempt some more homework. Hezekiah keeps asking for his backpack (which he doesn't have one) and stated he wanted an orange backpack. So, if anyone knows where I can find a plain jane orange backpack for a good deal, I am thinking of making a "Go Diego Go" backpack for him, drawing a face on the back, etc.